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Precast Concrete and Thermal Mass

What is Thermal Mass?

Thermal mass is described as the inherent property of a material to absorb heat.  A material with a high thermal mass is able to moderate temperatures inside a facility throughout the day.

Because concrete has a higher density, it has the capacity to absorb and store larger quantities of heat than other materials such as wood.  Concrete reacts very slowly to changes in temperature which reduces heating and cooling loads. During the day, the concrete slowly heats up using the heat from the outside environment and then slowly releases this heat during the night using natural ventilation.  The result is flatter swings in temperature and energy savings of up to 25%.

Benefits of Precast

Energy Saving Benefits

Thermal mass is affected by temperature both inside, from things such as indoor lighting or heat transferring through windows, and outside, from the climate.  When a building’s envelope is constructed from precast with the interior concrete exposed and not covered by insulation or drywall, the concrete is able to absorb the heat from inside and reduce cooling costs.

Reduce Urban Heat-Island Effect with Lighter Colors

Lighter-colored concrete will have a higher amount of solar radiation reflected off its surface and reduce the amount of urban heat-island effect.  Depending on the needs of the facility, lower amounts of reflection might actually be needed in order to absorb more heat from the outside of the structure.  Designs can include different colored surfaces for walls facing different directions to achieve the best energy conserving arrangement.

Reduced Uncontrolled Air Infiltration

An important part of thermal mass is the air infiltration of a building, as well as its energy-saving benefits.  The connection between panels is important for reducing uncontrolled air infiltration and helps minimize heating and cooling costs.  Larger precast panels have minimal joints further reducing this issue.

Looking for more information about thermal mass? Check out some of our free resources below!

Case Studies

Statue of Liberty Museum
New York, NY
High Concrete Group

The high thermal mass of the concrete panels helps maintain interior temperatures and minimizes the effects of outdoor temperature swings. Additionally, special connection details minimize thermal bridging between interior and exterior building components.

New Orleans BioInnovation Center
New Orleans, LA
Jackson Precast

Slenderwall precast provides a consistent and controlled building envelope through the use of closed-cell foam insulation which acts as a vapor barrier and contributes to the air/water tightness of the panels.

