Precast Automation

Labor shortages are wreaking havoc across the nation. The precast manufacturing industry, along with other industries, is actively taking steps to address the issue while consistently maintaining a reputation for high quality. A solution has been found with the adoption of automation. Automation in precast plants ensures a steady and uninterrupted flow of product will be delivered in an efficient and controlled manner. 

Precast automation boosts several benefits including offering high quality products, improved efficiency, increased safety, and reduced manpower.  These benefits offer improved work conditions for employees and keep products rolling out the door in a timely manner.

Greater Consistency/High Quality

Human error is impossible to avoid.  People make mistakes and those mistakes can be anything from something small with little impact to something large scale mistakes that affects budgets and schedules.  Automated machines and computer programs don’t make mistakes which equates into less budget busting errors.

Increased Efficiency/Less Time Consuming

Automated machines and processes can be tweaked to achieve the highest efficiency possible and then that efficiency can be maintained day in and day out. Precast automation allows for accelerated production schedules thus maximizing the manufacturing potential of the plant.

Safer for Workers

Manufacturing precast can be a difficult job even for the most experienced worker.  Health risks associated with silica dust, noise pollution, and muscle strains/sprains are risks that precasters work to avoid on a daily basis.  Automation helps cut down on risks posed to workers and improves the overall safety of the environment. 

Reduced Labor Intensity for Workers

Automated precast processes means less workers are needed to manufacture precast products. Processes that traditionally required 10 workers could potentially only take 3 using automation. The reduction in workforce provides a cost saving to precast manufacturers that is passed on through more competitive market prices for precast products. It is important to note that although automation reduces the number of overall workers, there will always be need for personnel to program and run the machines. Precast automation is an opportunity for precasters to employ a higher caliber of laborer at a higher wages who uses more brain power and less brute force.

The automated production of precast concrete is a riveting process to witness.  Vollert Precast recorded the automated production of double walls and floor slabs showing how automation can be used in conjunction with workers to create precast components.

As with any new innovation, automation has both positives and negatives to consider. The downside of precast automation includes the significant upfront costs associated with either building a new production plant dedicated for the automation or upgrading an existing facility.  However, the long-term benefit of precast automation lies in money saved through a reduced workforce and accelerated production potential.